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(1387-1486) Johann Gutenberg (Mainz, Germany) he invented Movable metal-type printing process

(1801) Joseph Marie Jacquard he invented automatic loom - was controlled by punched cards

(1820) Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar he invented Arithmometer - device that can perform the same type of computations as Lehbnuz's Stepped Reckoner but was more reliable.

(1821) Charles Babbage he invented the difference engine - first modern computer a steam powered adding machine called.

(1842) Ada Augusta Lovelace she is the first program for Babbage'r Difference Engine.

(1614) John Napier (Baron of Merchiston) he invented LOGS - Allow multiplication and division to be reduced to addition and subtraction.

(1617) John Napier (Scotland) he invented Arabian Lattice - lays out a speacial version nf the multiplication tables on a set of four-sided wooded rods, allowing users to multiply and divide large numbers and find square and cube roots.

(1623) Wilhelm Shickard he invented the First mechanical calculator - it can work with six digits, and carries digits across columns. It works, but never makes it beyond the prototype stage.

(1625) William Oughtred he invented the slide ruler.

(1642) Blaise Pascal he invented Parcaline - made nut of clock gears and levers, and could solve basic mathematical problems like addition and subtraction.

(1671) Gottfried Leibniz he invented stepped reckoner - multiply 5 digit and 12 digit numbers yielding up to 6 digits.